Vegetable Nutrition Facts

Going Vegan? What Are The Pros And Cons

Going vegan is not a latest trend popularized by today’s social media but in fact the movement started at least 70 years ago. In this article you will know some myths of being a vegan as well as the disadvantages and disadvantages of going vegan.

Going Vegan

What Is A Vegan

Being vegan means feasting on a broad range of foods like succulent fruits, flavorsome vegetables, appetizing legumes, lentils and beans and comforting nuts and seeds.

The term “vegan” came into existence in 1944 by a group of vegetarians who left Leicester Vegetarian Society to form The Vegan Society.

Vegan do not eat any type of meats and meat products, even milk products, eggs, honey and gelatine etc. However, the meal is not as plain looking as we might think. You can imagine any kind of meal in a vegan diet minus the meat and dairy products. For example, ice cream made up of non dairy ingredients, pizza, burgers, etc.

being vegan

Going vegan or veganism is  a way of life that prohibit all forms of animal cruelty and exploitation, whether it is food, clothing like animal fur, leather shoes, jackets and belts, products tested on animals like skin creams and make-up products etc.

Difference Between Vegan And Vegetarian    

Vegans do not eat any type of meat or meat products, eggs, dairy products and honey etc. Where as vegetarians do not consume any animal flesh, but they tend to eat eggs, honey and dairy products. In short vegetarians are a bit lenient than vegans or veganism is strict form of vegetarianism.

Pros Of Being Going Vegan

Being began is not just food choices, it’s a complete way of life.

Reduces cardiovascular diseases

  • Vegan diet reduce the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, obesity, stroke etc. It also helps prevent the age related macular degeneration. Vegan diet also promotes bone health and prevents osteoporosis.
  • Cardiovascular health can tremendously improve if dairy products and meats are reduced, that are rich in saturated fats.
  • Diet high in fibre prompts healthier bowel movements and it fights against colon cancer.

Balances acidity and water

  • Vegan diet is high in potassium which again reduces cardiovascular diseases and cancer. It balances acidity and water in the body and eliminates toxins by stimulating kidneys.

Right amount of important minerals and vitamins

  • Soy products, nuts, beans, peas, lentils provide right amount of proteins as compared to red meat.
  • Vitamin C, which is also an antioxidant, keeps gums healthy, heals wounds faster and boosts immunity, makes vegan diet worth it.
  • Vitamin E is abundantly present in nuts, grains and dark leafy greens which is extremely beneficial for skin, eyes, heart and may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Folate being an important part of vegan diet helps cell repair, metabolize amino acids and generates white and red blood cells.
  • As vegan diet consists of plant based foods, so they are higher in above nutrients and many other minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants and it is also low in cholesterol and saturated fats.

Helps in losing weight

Increases life expectancy

  • Studies suggest that vegans live an average of 3-6 years longer than the non vegans.

Healthy skin

  • Vegans have a healthy skin, reduced body door and bad breath, relief from migraine and alleviation from most of the allergies.

Other Environmental Benefits

  • Vegans identify themselves as animals lovers and they are really concerned about animal welfare.
  • Large amount of our resources can be saved that we utilise to cater the animals we intend to kill. Also growing plants needs less resources than growing animals.
  • By avoiding animal products, vegans avoid the risk of E.coli infection, eliminating salmonella food poisoning and safety from mad cow disease.

Cons Of Being A Vegan

Going vegan comes with a lot of cons as well.

Important vitamins and minerals deficiency

  • Vegans need to consume beans and nuts to get enough proteins which in case of omnivores is very easily available from dairy, eggs and meats etc.
  • Iron deficiency are a possible drawback of a vegan diet. It can lead to fatigue and problems in brain function. It in deficiency is easily eradicated by eating meat sources. Vegans need to rely on fortified breakfast cereals, soybeans, white beans and spinach. In some cases vegans can also consume It In supplements.
  • Vegan foods are also deficient in vitamin B12 and calcium.

Problems while shopping vegan products

  • It’s a challenge to dine out for vegans as many restaurants don’t offer many vegan food choices.
  • It takes time to do shopping for a vegan as you need to read labels more carefully.

Social gatherings and special days

  • Vegans may need to deviate from culture/tradition e.g. slaughtered meat at Eid, turkey for Thanksgiving, ham for Easter etc.
  • In social gatherings different people  have different eating habits. Some will welcome it and some will  be more interested in knowing about why you chose to be a vegan. It might put you in an awkward position to answer those questions.


History of veganism

Yusra Kashif
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Yusra Kashif

Yusra Kashif has done masters in Food and Nutrition. She has also worked as a Dietitian in an international hospital and as a teacher in a private school. Currently she is taking a further degree in “Food and Nutrition Advisor” from U.K. She loves crafts, baking, cooking and exploring. Yusra is currently a stay at home mum and a part time writer.