Diet TipsHealth Conditions

Tips On How To Gain Weight

Being Underweight is defined as having BMI (body mass index) less than 18.5. Where as, BMI over 25 is considered as overweight and BMI over 30 will be taken as obese. However, downside of BMI scale is that it doesn’t take muscle mass in account. So, some people can be very skinny yet healthy. Being Underweight is more common among females than males. A couple of tips in this article will guide you how to gain weight.

 Gain Weight

Health Consequences Related To Being Underweight

  1. Underweight people can get sarcopenia ( muscle wasting as you age), which can lead to risk of having dementia.
  2. Underweight weight people have impaired immune
  3. Due to less immunity, they are more prone to infections, leading to osteoporosis and fractures.
  4. Several studies have proved that underweight people are more at risk of early deaths.

Causes To Become Underweight

  • Eating disorders: like anorexia nervosa, in which the patient stops eating to lose weight.
  • Diabetes
  • Infections
  • Surgery
  • Gluten Intolerance: it affects their eating pattern
  • Hyper Thyroidism
  • Familial tendency

How To Gain Weight In A Healthy Manner

  • Proteins

Take a high protein diet, which according to many studies, can cause extra calories to be turned into muscles. However proteins can suppress your appetite significantly, which can make it harder to consume enough calories. Hight protein foods include legumes, nuts, dairy products, eggs, meat chicken and fish etc.


  • Carbohydrates and Fats

In order to lose weight, dieters restrict their carbohydrate and fat content of their foods. They can be part of your daily diet routine if you want to put on weight. Increase your bread, roti, rice or barley etc serving at meal times. Go for a gradual increase and work on improving your appetite.

bread gain weight


  • Energy Dense Foods

Add these healthy energy dense foods which have more calories as compared to their weight.

Meat: fattier cuts of chicken, lamb, beef and fish.

Dairy: whole milk, full fat plain yogurt and fruit yogurts, cream, cheese.

Grains: whole grains like wheat, brown rice and oats.

Tubers: sweet potatoes, potatoes and yams

Dry fruits: dates, prunes and raisins etc

Nuts: peanuts, almonds, walnuts etc

Fats and oils: coconut oil, virgin olive oil, Avocado oil etc

Milk shakes: banana and dates milk shake, protein shakes ( whey protein mixed in milk)

Coconut milk, Dark chocolate, avocados, peanut butter, hummus, mayonnaise, salad dressings etc.

diet tips for weight loss after pregnancy

Other Tips

  1. Exercise more often to utilise extra calories as muscles instead of fat cells. Take it easy on cardio and focus more on strength training (weight lifting), as cardiovascular will burn all extra calories. Where as weight lifting will increase the muscle mass. Consult a trainer so that he can guide you accordingly.
  2. Drinking water just be given meal will not be good idea as it will fill your stomach, making you eat less.
  3. Take snacks like sandwiches, whole milk shakes between meals and before bed.
  4. Drink whole milk to quench thirst.
  5. Have a proper sleep.
  6. Quit smoking.
  7. It can be very difficult for some people to gain weight, but it needs consistency and you have to train yourself to increase your appetite by forcing yourself to eat at time even when you are feeling quite stuffed.















Yusra Kashif
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Yusra Kashif

Yusra Kashif has done masters in Food and Nutrition. She has also worked as a Dietitian in an international hospital and as a teacher in a private school. Currently she is taking a further degree in “Food and Nutrition Advisor” from U.K. She loves crafts, baking, cooking and exploring. Yusra is currently a stay at home mum and a part time writer.

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