Top Tips on Maintaining A Healthy Diet To Lose Weight

Weight loss and healthy diet, general public can’t see these two concepts going together hand in hand. But to professionals, weight loss has to be done via healthy eating so that we are in fine fettle. In short, taking charge of your body in a healthy manner, so that shedding unwanted kilos is stress free physically, as well as psychologically.

What is a healthy diet?

How Healthy Diet Can Help you Lose Weight?

Healthy diet leads to a sound weight loss, not at the expense of well being.

It is evident that healthy food choices are salubrious by the reason of its rich nourishment. Here are some top tips and healthy diet to lose weight.


Well said by the English nutritionist Victor Lindlahr, “You are what you eat”. The food that we eat does not only becomes part of our inner being, but also it reflects our outer self. Rule is simple, healthy eating is the key to well being. Let’s see how healthy foods can be incorporated in our diet plan to lose weight.

a.   Fiber intake

How to increase the size of the meal without increasing calories? The perfect answer is “fiber”. Fiber has no magical fat burning powers. It simply gives you feeling of fullness without adding much to your calorie count.

The soluble type of fiber absorbs water, forms a kind of gel inside gut, slowing the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream. Lower blood sugar levels are directly related to lower insulin levels – which means body is less likely to store fat.

Soluble type of  fiber is found in beans, fruits, and more which aids in satiety and satisfaction.

Insoluble type of fiber is found in wheat bran, whole grains, nuts, vegetables, and other foods assist in keeping digestive system regular.

b.   Mineral and vitamin intake

Fruits and vegetables are generally fiber, mineral and vitamin rich foods which are excellent foods to add a variety to a healthy diet with fewer calories and great amount of satiety value. A few of the foods which are rich in minerals and vitamins are mentioned here.

i. Cabbage

has cholesterol lowering and cancer prevention properties.

  • It is a rich source of vitamin C which is an excellent anti-oxidant.
  • The body needs vitamin C to synthesize a compound called carnitine, which is essential for metabolizing fats into energy.
ii. Brocolli

Several nutrients in broccoli like vitamin C, calcium and chromium can promote weight loss.

  • Calcium prevents absorption of dietary fat in the intestine by binding with them.
  • Chromium helps in balancing body sugar by regulating insulin activity, which can play a pivotal role in impacting carbohydrate metabolism, thus boosting weight loss.
iii. Grapefruit

is known as a power house to keep your heart in good kilter. Rich in vitamin C, folic acid, potassium and pectin( a strong ally against atherosclerosis).

  • Potassium is a powerful mineral, very vital for weight management.
  • Potassium keeps us from being bloated and helps in muscle contraction.
  • In a study of 91 obese individuals, eating half a fresh grapefruit before meals caused weight loss of 3.5 pounds(1.6 kg) over a period of 12 weeks.
iv. Other citrus fruits

like orange, lemon and lime etc are also excellent to be consumed on regular basis. Citrus fruits are called acid fruits and are richest sources of vitamin C, which are the most detoxifying and healing fruits.

v. Lettuce

is a rich source of B vitamins, folic acid and manganese.

vi. Radish

is a root vegetable loaded with potassium, folic acid, antioxidants and sulphur compounds

  • Sulfur is best known as detox mineral which helps the liver cleanse itself from toxins to fight weight gain and a bad metabolism.
  • Not to forget about green tops, which are also a rich source of vitamin C and calcium in far more quantities than the root itself.
vii. Spinach

is rich in iron, folic acid and vitamin K.

  • Iron is not only responsible for Hb, but also for energy levels. If low in iron, we can be tired to the point of exhaustion, which slows down metabolism, which in turn slows down weight loss.
  • Spinach also contains disease fighting anti oxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin C.

The list of fruits and vegetables is endless, which can be added generously to the diet plan as a healthy weight loss mean.

c.    Protein intake

Studies have shown that increasing protein intake by 25-30% calories an cut cravings by 60%, reduce desire for late night snacking by half and cause weight loss of almost a pound per week.

High protein diet can discipline hunger, which in turn helps lose weight. Best protein sources that are nutrient rich and lower in saturated fats and calories are

  • Lean meat for example skin less poultry like chicken, turkey etc. Always broil, bake, poach, grill or steam lean meat to keep their fat content low. In sautéing or frying lean meats in oil dramatically increases the fat content even if healthy oils like olive or coconut oil.
  • Soy
  • Low fat dairy like cottage cheese, semi-skimmed milk and yogurt, skimmed milk and yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans and legumes
  • Sea food like tuna, salmon

d.     Carbohydrate

Carbohydrates intake include refined grains products for example white bread, white rice , regular pasta, sugary cereals. Replace them with whole grains like whole grains breads and cereals, brown rice, whole wheat pasta. They give you great feeling of fullness and lesser calories.

2.     NO NO FOODS

Cut back on salt, sugar, processed foods, fried items. Other than that avoid whole milk and whole milk products as well.


Consistency is not an easy pill to swallow. It serves as a base which will keep you going:
i)    To keep you on track
ii)   To implement the plan
Staying consistent is vital as it gives you time to build new habits and then see the fruits of hard work. Weight loss can be like a roller coaster ride. Take the challenge, modify habits, regularise new habits, support it with consistency and see the hard work pay off.

4.     Slow And Steady Wins The Race

Don’t forget the story of “Hare and Tortoise”. The change and implementation should be slow and steady for more consistency, instead of a drastic and abrupt modification which can put you off more likely.
Bring changes to your eating habits, exercise pattern and life style one at a time if they are too bad or starting from mild change to moderate and later more challenging when one is physically and emotionally ready to comply with them.

5. Sleep

“When you have sleep deprivation and are running on low energy, you automatically go for a bag of potato chips or other comfort foods”, says Susan Zafarlotfi, PhD, Clinical Director of the Institute for Sleep and Wake Disorders at Hackensack University Medical Centrein New Jersey.
“It’s not much that if you sleep, you will lose weight, but if you are sleep-deprived, meaning that you are not getting enough minutes of sleep or good quality sleep, your metabolism will not function properly”, explains Michael Breus, PhD, author of Beauty Sleep and the Clinical Director of the Sleep Division for Arrowhead Health in Glendale, Ariz.

6.     Hydration

Food cravings are a big hurdle in weight loss. We can reduce these hunger pangs by drinking at least 8 glasses of water during the day, which acts as a natural appetite suppressant, aiding weight loss. It also very effectively contributes to move fiber through digestive system.  “All that water contributes to feelings of fullness and controls thirst, which can often be confused with hunger,” says Stephanie Polizzi, a registered dietitian nutritionist.

7.    Timing

An early breakfast is always recommended because metabolic rate is higher and calories can be  burned off easily. Where as, same calories consumed late at night can be easily stored as fat.

8.   Move Your Body

Any exercise form should be a part of weight loss regime. Exercise goes hand in hand with healthy food to lose weight safely. Working out burns calories and builds muscles, it in turn increases metabolism, which is important to burn even more calories and lose weight subsequently.
Walking is the best form of exercise and there is no need of any special equipment for it. Walking exercise can be low, medium to high intensity. Make walking as primary mode of transportation where possible and see kilos melt away.


Big NO to temptations!! Keep treats, sweets, fizzy drinks and crisps etc out of home and grocery list. If you crave for a treat, skip buying them with routine grocery, go by walk to get it. Difficult approachability can make you ignore your craving for munching.


Instead of catching up with friends over a meal or coffee, meet in a local park or track for a walk or jog.

11.     STAY BUSY:

Another tip is that do not eat out of boredom. If that makes it easy for you to munch then stay busy to avoid temptations.


Don’t eat on the go or grazing in front of the fridge or most mummies eat kids left over. Eat timely meals from your own plate.


What do you think of these healthy diet tips? Let us know in the comment section below.




Yusra Kashif
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Yusra Kashif

Yusra Kashif has done masters in Food and Nutrition. She has also worked as a Dietitian in an international hospital and as a teacher in a private school. Currently she is taking a further degree in “Food and Nutrition Advisor” from U.K. She loves crafts, baking, cooking and exploring. Yusra is currently a stay at home mum and a part time writer.